
on why you attract people

cleaning out my work email box and found a few great LifeHack articles sent to me.

some relevant excerpts:

Some friends from your youth may be in your life till old age, but that doesn’t mean you are compatible. It just means, like family, familiarity and consequence has forced your lives together. It’s not that attracting these relationships isn’t valuable. Old friends are probably some of the most important connections you will make and are the most noteworthy in your personal history. It’s just that sometimes the most profound and significant relationships you have may be short lived. Sometimes people will drift into your life and it’s like the universe has aligned to facilitate your union. These are the people that pass through your life and make an impact. You may meet them through work, or it could be someone you meet while traveling or someone you had a short but intense romantic involvement with. They are the people you never forget and the ones that change you, but somehow you know that it is impossible for them to be in your life for the long run.

We are socialized to believe that there is one person out there who is supposed to complete us. One person who we are supposed to meet and spend the rest of our lives with. For some people, attracting this person is a reality and, whether it is a choice and daily compromise, a commitment is made to form a union with one other person and see it through — no matter what and til the end of your days.

We use our experiences and our resourcefulness to guide us and, while taking others’ advice and influence on board, we think critically and develop the ability to make rational decisions. This means that gradually we stop indulging in the need to please others and learn to do what is in our own best interest. This doesn’t imply that we are selfish or self absorbed. It instead alludes to becoming a self reliant and independent, free-thinking individual, who can make their own decisions and prioritize their own happiness and satisfaction. The truer you are to yourself, and the more you respect your own wishes, the harder it becomes to tolerate the wrong people. Attracting the right people becomes inevitable.

it’s nice to see articles that reflect the many ways of being, not just one standard by which to judge one’s or others’ lives. as i continue on the path of truer self, i see the universe as my guide, whispering you are what, where and who you are supposed to be right now, gelle.

–gelle, who got it and is still getting it

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